Grounding for neuropathy: Treat your nerves

Grounding for neuropathy, a concept gaining traction in the biohacking community, offers a potential approach to addressing nerve-related discomfort. Neuropathy, characterized by symptoms like pain and numbness, can be a significant annoyance in daily life. In this post, we’ll be covering what grounding & neuropathy is, and how grounding can help those in pain.

What is grounding?

Grounding, often termed ‘earthing,’ is a biohacking practice that involves direct physical contact with the Earth’s surface. This can be as simple as walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, which connects the body with the Earth’s natural electrical charge.

Proponents of grounding believe that this connection allows for the transfer of electrons from the Earth into the body, potentially neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative stress.

While the scientific community continues to explore the full extent of its benefits, grounding remains a popular and accessible biohack for those seeking a natural path to wellness.

What is neuropathy?

Neuropathy represents a significant challenge within the subject of health, characterized by nerve damage or dysfunction. At its core, it’s a disorder of the peripheral nerves — the vast communication network that transmits information between the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the rest of the body.

The symptoms of neuropathy are as varied as its causes. Individuals may experience pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness, primarily in the hands and feet. It’s akin to a glitch in the body’s sensory and motor functions, where the normal transmission of signals gets interrupted or distorted.

Often associated with conditions like diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and infections, neuropathy can also arise from genetic predispositions, exposure to toxins, or as a complication of certain medications. This diversity in origins makes neuropathy a complex puzzle in the medical and biohacking communities.

Understanding neuropathy is crucial for developing effective management strategies. It’s not just about symptom relief but also about addressing the underlying causes and exploring holistic approaches to support nerve health. This challenge aligns well with the principles of biohacking, which emphasize personalized and innovative methods to optimize health and well-being.

Grounding for neuropathy: How can it help?

Grounding presents itself as a noteworthy approach, particularly for those grappling with neuropathy. This practice involves reconnecting with the Earth’s natural electric field through direct contact with the ground, like walking barefoot on natural terrain.

The implications of grounding for neuropathy, a condition often marked by nerve pain and dysfunction, are substantial and worthy of a closer look. This particular study highlights quite a few benefits of grounding which can help manage neuropathy issues.


Grounding might act as a natural pathway to mitigate inflammation, which is frequently implicated in neuropathic pain. The theory is that making direct contact with the Earth enables the transfer of electrons into the body, helping to neutralize free radicals and thereby reducing inflammation.

Pain Management

Anecdotal reports suggest that grounding can have a soothing effect on chronic pain, a common symptom of neuropathy. This could be attributed to the potential anti-inflammatory effects of grounding or its overall impact on bodily homeostasis.

Improving Sleep Quality and Circadian Rhythms

Grounding may also play a role in enhancing sleep quality and regulating circadian rhythms. Since restorative sleep is crucial for nerve repair and overall health, grounding could indirectly benefit those suffering from neuropathic symptoms.

Stress Reduction

Chronic stress is known to exacerbate neuropathy. Grounding may offer a natural means to reduce stress by activating our parasympathetic (rest & digest) system. Thus potentially diminishing the intensity of neuropathic symptoms. To learn more about bad stress and our autonomic nervous system read here.

Enhanced Circulation

Improved blood flow is another potential benefit of grounding. Enhanced circulation can facilitate the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to nerve cells, potentially supporting nerve health and function.

While the concept of grounding for neuropathy is compelling, it’s important to approach it with a balanced perspective. Scientific research in this area is still emerging, and grounding should be considered a supplementary approach rather than a primary treatment modality for neuropathy. Individuals with neuropathy should consult healthcare professionals for comprehensive care and consider grounding as a potential adjunctive strategy in managing their condition.

The practice of grounding invites a closer connection with nature, offering a simple yet profound method to possibly aid in neuropathic symptom management.

How to practice grounding

So we’ve gone over how we can use grounding for neuropathy issues, now let’s think of a few ways we can practice grounding.

  1. Barefoot Walks: Begin with the basics. Walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil is the essence of grounding. It’s about feeling the Earth beneath your feet, reconnecting with nature, and allowing the Earth’s electrons to interact with your body.
  2. Gardening with Bare Hands: Engaging in gardening not only connects you with the earth but also immerses your hands in the soil, amplifying the grounding experience. It’s a dual benefit – nurturing your green space while grounding yourself.
  3. Outdoor Meditation or Yoga: Practice meditation or yoga outdoors, in direct contact with the ground. This combines the benefits of mindfulness and grounding, enhancing your physical and mental well-being.
  4. Swimming in Natural Waters: If accessible, swimming in natural bodies of water like oceans, lakes, or rivers can be a powerful grounding activity. The water enhances the conductivity, potentially increasing the grounding effect.
  5. Relaxing on the Ground: Simply lying down on the grass, looking up at the sky, and letting your body rest directly on the Earth can be a serene and effective grounding experience.
  6. Use of Grounding Equipment: For those unable to regularly access natural environments, grounding equipment like mats, sheets, or bands connected to the earth port of your home’s electrical outlet can serve as alternatives. These tools aim to mimic the electrical connection to the Earth.

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Grounding products

If you’re in the midst of winter or struggle to find adequate time outdoors, then grounding equipment such as grounding mats, or sheets can help.

If you like to shop on Amazon then I’ve placed a link for a popular grounding mat that is well-reviewed.

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